Last Updated on Monday, 29 November 1999 19:00
Screw Augers are used throughout the recycling world. We manufacture Augers and auger systems like you see above, to load-out size-reduced materials into containers, but also to discharge the chips directly out of a shredder or grinder.
We also use augers to discharge materials from our storage silos and buffer bins. In the case of loading containers, the auger structure like you see above is used in order to evenly fill containers or tractor trailers. A Discharge conveyor delivers the chips into the horizontal augers running the length of the container or trailer, depositing the material and filling the containers fully & evenly.
Please note; We are not a mass manufacturer and supplier of conveying and material handling equipment, but rather a custom supplier of conveyors, typically sold only with any of our size-reduction machines. Certain specialty applications will be considered. Call for details.