Vibrating conveyors
Last Updated on Tuesday, 20 January 2009 16:30
Vibrating conveyors are typically used as discharge conveyors underneath Vertical shredders or grinders, but also as infeed conveyors on Horizontal shredders and grinders.
The Vibrating conveyors are typically used in instances where there is the possibility of ferrous metals being mixed in with the wood chips or shredded plastics. Like in a wooden pallet grinding application where upwards of two pounds of nails per pallet coming pouring out along with the wood chips.
Almost always, the vibrating conveyors in these cases are equipped with a metal-free section (likely fiberglass) to accommodate the installation of an Overhead Self-cleaning Magnet that will clean all of the ferrous metal content from the chipped or shredded materials.
We do carry several different widths of vibrating conveyors that can be delivered in any length. But as with the other conveyors we manufacturer; Please note; We are not a mass manufacturer and supplier of conveying and material handling equipment, but rather a custom supplier of conveyors, typically sold only with any of our size-reduction machines. Certain specialty applications will be considered. Call for details.