Chip size classification and separation. Particle size separation equipment
Last Updated on Friday, 13 February 2009 08:17
Size separation is an important part of the recycling world. Trommel screens and disc screener for example are used to sort out materials that are already in a useable size, so that those materials do not have to run through the same processes and pieces of equipment downstream, which in turn means that those components do not have to be as large as they would have to have been in order to accommodate the full incoming volume.
Sifters like the ZENO ZPS three Tier Sifter are used in a variety of applications. A ZPS sifter would be employed in a wood processing stream where a very particular chip size is needed. The incoming material is sifted into three classifications. The right size for one. To small for another (called fines). And too large for the third (called overs)
There are many ways to separate materials by size and ZENO manufacturers them all. Please click on the links to the left for more details about several of these different components. But don’t worry. We are the experts in size-reduction and recycling, so if you don’t already know what you want or need, please contact us with your application and project details and let us put together a system that meets your needs and surpasses your expectations.